Discipline at Utah Youth Soccer
Minimum Standard League Discipline
- 3 Cautions in a Season… Results in 1 Game Suspension
- Red Card… Results in 1 Game Suspension
- Red Card “Violent Conduct”… Results in 2 Game Suspension
- Red Card or Ejection of Coach… Results in 2 Game Suspension
*League Commissioner Discretionary Authority… May add up to 4 Game Suspension to the Minimums
**For any event that “could” result in a penalty beyond the League Commissioner’s authority, the matter is forwarded to the UYSA Discipline Chair.
Incidents involving referees, UYSA is required to follow USSF policies (Policy 531-9)
Notable Discipline
Spring 2022
Parent harassed the referee during the game and then approached the ref in his “safe zone” after the game to continue the abuse.
o The parent’s club, after notice from UYSA, suspended the parent for 2 games and informed the parent that any further misbehavior would result in a season ban.
Spring 2022
Coach and Club accused of recruiting violation where they allowed a player from another UYSA team to train with them and offered the player a slot prior to the Recruiting Window (Nov 15 – Jan 15).
o Discipline Panel – Found a violation of the recruiting policy – 6 month coaching ban (games only, allowed to train teams) and club put on probation.
o Appellate Panel – Upheld the finding of the violation – changed the 6 month ban to no coaching for 75% of season or 4 months whichever is longer, no involvement in tryouts, and upheld club being placed on probation.
Fall 2021
Coach grabbed AR by shirt trying to show what happened to a player on the field
o Discipline Panel – “Assault” with minor touching – 3 month suspension which was served over the Winter and 3 additional games.
Spring 2021
Coach pushed referee down, first offense.
o Discipline Panel – coach did not appear at the hearing. Panel gave a 1-year coaching suspension. Coach voluntarily stopped coaching.