Referee Resources
Resources for referees assigned to UYSA games
The League Commissioner’s Corner
Scot Boyd

UYSA League Reminders
Digital Player Cards and Game Day Rosters
Digital Player Cards have been approved for state competition league play. This means that teams are allowed to pull up their player passes on their smart phone or tablet at the fields. Many of you are familiar with the technology if you’ve refereed in State Cup, Presidents Cup, Coyote Cup, or had teams that used the platform last fall season.
Teams can either use a traditional Game Day Roster for check in at a game or they can use Digital Player Cards. UYSA will accept either for check-in. The teams are responsible for providing their own device if they want to use the digital player cards for league play.
However, if you’re familiar with the platform and are willing to use your smart phone or tablet you can log into the platform as a referee and pull up the player cards for the game on your phone. Red Cards, Concussion Restrictions, or Suspensions are shown on the digital cards. Jersey Numbers, if not already entered, can be entered.
If the teams are using their phones you just need to double check that the correct game # is pulled up and then check the pictures on the phone against the players who are checking in.
If using your own device you can also log the score, cards, or any other notes about the game as soon as the game concludes. You do not have to enter scores through the digital cards platform. You can log into Affinity through your computer and score the games and complete the match review as you have the past several seasons.
State Referee Contact: Holly Gundred – State Director of Operations – utahsdo@gmail.com
Referee Documents and Resources
Utah Referee Association Home page
RefPay account update in Affinity RefPay Account
Online Match Reports
UYSA Forms
All referees must submit online match reports and red card reports within 48 hours of the match.
Affinity Sports Online Match Report – log into Affinity account to report To accept assignments, review your schedule, enter a game report and complete match review. Follow these instructions:
For any other questions, email sdo@utahsrc.com