February 2, 2024, Salt Lake City, UT – In late December, the Utah Youth Soccer Association officially merged with the Utah Soccer Association (Adult Association).
Following a three-year negotiation period with the Adult Association, UYSA signed the final agreements at the end of December and officially welcomed the Utah Soccer Association as a part of our programming in 2024.
The Adult Association’s two employees (Blaine Burnett and Agustin Pinon) are now working out of the UYSA office, and our hours have been extended from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday – Friday.
“We are excited to be working with Blaine Burnett and Agustin Pinon, who will continue to run adult soccer in collaboration with the newly formed Adult Committee, composed of peers from the community (more info below). We know they will continue to provide the same level of customer service that the adult membership are accustomed to,” UYSA CEO Bryan Attridge said.
We’re excited for the future of soccer in Utah with this new, combined and streamlined structure. Under our combined organization Utah Youth Soccer and Utah Adult Soccer will continue to operate under their individual name and brand, but all under one roof.
This merger of Utah Youth Soccer and Utah Adult Soccer has brought together a wealth of passionate soccer fans, players, parents, coaches, referees, and volunteers – all with valuable experiences and perspectives. We know that a unified front on the soccer landscape gives us the best opportunity to provide and experience an improved soccer product for all our members, youth and adult.
For more information on the Adult Association, click here to view their website.